Vision Engineering & Consultancy uses the 3D Z+F IMAGER® 5016 laser scanner. This equipment combines compact and lightweight design with state-of-the-art 3D laser scanning technology. It is equipped with an integrated HDR camera, internal lighting system and GPS positioning system. 3D laser scanning digitization ensures a digitally accurate copy of the heritage built and helps architects and specialists in to restore historical monuments with very good precision. This digital copy of the heritage built contributes to the preservation and protection of the national heritage, and at the same time, can be transmitted to future generations, in the most precise way. More details at: www.vision-ec.ro
The Romanian Ministry of National Defense (MApN) is the specialized body of the central public administration, subordinated to the Romanian Government, through which the activity in the field of national defense is conducted, according to the provisions of the law and the national security strategy, in order to guarantee the sovereignty, independence and unity of the state, the territorial integrity of the country and constitutional democracy. The Ministry of National Defense is accountable to the Parliament, the Government and the Supreme Council of National Defense for the application of the provisions of the Constitution, the other normative acts in force, the decisions of the Government and the Supreme Council of National Defense, as well as the international treaties Romania is a party to, in its field of activity. More details at: www.mapn.ro
The Heroes' Cross on Mount Caraiman, officially called the Commemorative Cross of Romanian Heroes of World War Iis a historical monument located in the Bucegi Mountains. It is in the shape of a Latin cross, with a height of 39.3 meters and was built between 1924-1928 near caraiman peak, at an altitude of 2291 m, to honor the memory of the 30,000 Romanian soldiers fallen in the battles of Prahova Valley, in the First World War. Other names under which the monument is met are: The Cross of the Heroes of the Nation, , the Heroes Monument on Caraiman or popular, the Cross on Caraiman.In the few documentary information left about this monument, it is stated that the metal structure was built of metal elements from the dismantling of the bridges destroyed in the First World War. From the researches undertaken, it has clearly emerged that the sleepers of the metal structure do not come from contorted metal elements. Following an in-depth analysis of the relationship between the builder of the monument, the C.F.R. Bridges Authority, and the Anonymous Society of the Iron Factories and Resita Domains (U.D.R.) it was found that in the first decade after the end of the great world conflagration, there was an important interest in recycling ferrous materials resulting from war destruction. As the Reșița Plants were the only ones able to ensure the processing of scrap metal, processing that was based on agreements concluded with the C.F.R. Bridges Authority, it follows that the metal structure of the monument was made of recycled iron, which considerably reduced the construction costs. The author of the project was the architect Ludovic Dolinschi, a quasi-famous artistic personality.
The investment project entitled << "Restoration, rehabilitation, conservation and arrangement of an exhibition space within the Monument The Commemorative Cross of Romanian Heroes of the First World War (Heroes Monument "Caraiman Cross" / Heroes Monument (The Cross) on Caraiman Peak)" >>, SMIS code: 116377, was co-financed through the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis 5 – Improvement of the urban environment and the conservation, protection and sustainable valorization of the cultural heritage, Investment priority 5.1 – Conservation, protection, promotion and development of the natural and cultural heritage, Call for projects POR 2016/5/5.1/1. The project was carried out between 2018 and 2021 and had a total value of 19,159,031.29 lei, of which 15,946,043.78 lei from the FEDR and 3,212,987.51 lei for own co-financing for eligible and ineligible expenses. the project is implemented by the General Secretariat of the Ministry of National Defense, with the support of the Department of Domains and Infrastructures. The general objective of the project is to promote the history and national identity by preserving, protecting and valuing a reference cultural and historical monument for Romania, the Commemorative Cross of the Romanian Heroes of the First World War, and the specific objectives aimed, on first part, restoring, rehabilitating, preserving the monument and arranging an exhibition space within the Monument and, on the second part, increasing the number of visitors to the monument by at least 6% in the first year after the completion of the works.
Caraiman Peak, Bucegi Mountains
GPS lat:45.416023 long:25.497419
satellites: 5; height: 2199.67 m
Date: 5-6 August 2021;
Processing with: Z + F LaserControl;
Equipment: Z+F IMAGER 5016-0100;
Barometer: 0.778848 bar 2164.7 m
Master scan position: 1.
Number of scans used for registration: 82
First scan at: 29.7.2021 08:47::26 last scan at: 30.7.2021 13:32:23
Total time: 1d 4h 44min 57sec
You can navigate the image with the mouse in any direction.
By clicking on the markings in the image you can move to another position
With the mouse wheel you can zoom in or zoom out in the image.
The Z + F IMAGER® 5016 laser scanner combines compact and lightweight design with state-of-the-art 3D laser scanning technology with an integrated HDR camera, internal lighting system and GPS positioning system.
The Mavic Pro 2 drone is equipped with the new Hassleblad L1D-20c camera. It features innovative Hassleblad Natural Color Solution (HLCS) technology, making splendid aerial images of 20 megapixels in stunning colors and details.
The Insta360 ONE X camera is excellent for creating 360o content, with state-of-the-art technology that delivers the best image quality in its class: 5.7K 30fps | 4K 50fps | 3K 100fps with FlowState image stabilizer.
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Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională
prin Programul Operațional Regional 2014-2020
Conținutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod obligatoriu poziția oficială a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului României